如何利用ChatGPT+Canva批量产出TikTok/YouTube Shorts/Instagram Reels视频

自媒体 1年前 (2024) admin
42 0

1  可以在Tiktok上找到自己喜欢的话题,然后复制地址到指定网站下载视频




2 进入剪映提取下载下来的视频解说

如何利用ChatGPT+Canva批量产出TikTok/YouTube Shorts/Instagram Reels视频


3 通过chatgpt生成文案



请模仿以下的TikTok视频脚本文案,重新写出3个新的脚本文案,主要内容方向是女性情感故事,要求是第一句话需要比较有争议的,能够引发观众持续观看和评论。文案内容请用英文写出来。 my son will inherit everything his affair baby will receive absolutely nothing my name is Emil 26 and I have a 5 year old son my ex husband 29 cheated on me with his co worker Bethany 28 I was 2 months pregnant with their second child when I found out Bethany was going to have his child I miscarried my ex left the house to be with her it's been 2 years since it was born my mother in law has been supportive of me and has nothing to do with my ex or his mistress and their child up until a few months ago I adore my in laws and were extremely close my mother in law and parents are the best of friends she loves me and her grandson more than anything this infuriates my ex husband's a fair partner my in laws cut contact with them straight away bethinny was jealous that her child would never know the love of grandparents at least her son has a father this brings us to the problem unfortunately my mother in law has been very ill for a while and so she's updated her will my ex husband was an only child so he would get everything but now my son will inherit her house villa
The heir to my mother-in-law's empire isn't who you think it is. Once upon a time, my ex-husband thought he had it all, especially when he cheated on me with his office fling, Bethany. Little did they know, fate had other plans. Now, as my son stands to inherit a grand estate, Bethany's envy reaches new heights. The twist? Her child might have a father, but the love of grandparents? That's reserved for my son.
4 通过文本转语音生成语音
5 开始准备视频素材
例如输入:hand craffted jewel
6 开始视频音频合成
进入canva 选择视频平台还是选择Tictok,做成手机视频
版权声明:admin 发表于 2024-01-06 1:41:46。
转载请注明:如何利用ChatGPT+Canva批量产出TikTok/YouTube Shorts/Instagram Reels视频 | i5网址导航

